Maciej Lukianski


Maciej Lukianski

Droptica Co-Founder
Maciej is Dropitca's co-founder. He is a self-taught programmer who worked as a PHP developer for many years before moving to a management role. Maciej is also a speaker at conferences in Poland and wider Europe. Maciej's background in business and finance helps him understand the Client perspective and makes him a great Client partner and advocate in Droptica. In his free time he likes to ski or ride his mountain bike.

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Drupal Multisite - When, How and Why. The Ultimate Guide to Managing Multiple Drupal Websites

Drupal can be configured to serve multiple websites from one codebase. Such a Drupal installation is called a multisite. The ability to use one Drupal to run multiple websites is great, but on the other hand, requires some considerations. In this article, I will discuss Drupal multisite in detail to give you an in-depth, complete understanding of how multisite works, why it is used, when it makes sense and when to avoid it

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10 Tips for Building Successful Web Projects

Building successful websites is quite difficult. The web is very competitive and getting through requires building something of quality. Technology is complex and delivering value is not easy. Additionally, development costs are not negligible, especially if you want to work on your project with experienced professionals. Today I am sharing 10 tips which can help deliver a project successfully.

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