

Monika Branicka

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Get Ready for DrupalCamp Poland 2024. Overview of the Event You Can't Miss

May is our favorite month. This is when all the magic happens… and DrupalCamp Poland! This year's edition of the largest conference on Drupal in our country takes place in Warsaw. Meet us during this one-day and one-night meetup on 18th May to share experiences, learn technology tips and tools, and develop your skills. Let’s go through the highlights of the event that you can’t miss. 

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ISO 27001 in an IT Company. What are the Implementation and Its Benefits?

In today's digital world, where data is one of the most valuable resources, protecting information is a priority. Especially for companies that develop dedicated software and have access to sensitive data, taking care of security standards is essential. At Droptica, we already know that implementing ISO 27001 ensures adequate data protection, translating into greater customer trust. Let's take a look at what the process entails and its benefits.

Mautic Conference Global 2023. A Brief Glance at The Online Event

Another technology conference is coming up. This time attendees will sit comfortably in their own chairs to share thoughts and gain new experiences about the open source marketing automation platform. The Mautic Conference Global 2023 will occur on June 21st and 22nd, and we'll join the inspiring sessions. Let's look at the event's agenda and see what two days in the virtual company of the Mautic community will bring.

Tech Lead - a Key Role in Every IT Project. What Is Their Mission?

For an IT project to run as efficiently as possible, the development team needs a kind of superhero who can appear out of nowhere to solve a technical puzzle, set a course of action, oversee the architecture, and offer advice. We mean here a tech lead who plays a vital role in the project, standing out with their knowledge and managing skills. Let's take a look at who exactly this specialist is, what skills they should have, and how they act at Droptica.

Drupaljam 2023: Connected. A Closer Look at the Conference Agenda

The event season is in full swing. The dust from Infoshare hasn't settled yet, and the Droptica team is already gearing up for more conferences. The upcoming occasion to meet us is Drupaljam, a gathering of Drupal enthusiasts, developers, and users, taking place on June 1st, in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Let's take a look at what's in store and what we’re looking forward to most.

Droptica at Infoshare 2023. Our View on the Upcoming Conference

Nine thematic stages, two hundred speakers from around the world, presentations on hot topics (such as artificial intelligence or blockchain), side events, and networking – this is what the upcoming Infoshare 2023 technology conference promises. The event will take place on May 24 - 25 in Gdansk. Since the Droptica team is going there, let's look at the agenda's highlights.

6 Industries That Benefit From Information Management in Pimcore

A Product Information Management system like Pimcore allows you to collect, store, and update data from various sales channels. Despite its many practical functionalities for online stores, this solution isn’t limited to the ecommerce industry. The open source platform also streamlines data flow in travel, retail, media and publishing, manufacturing, distribution, and more. Find out how different industries can benefit from this software and its features.

First Steps with Droptica? Look How We Approach Project Onboarding

Would you like to maintain, support, or develop your Drupal website with professionals, but you wonder how to pass your project into the right hands? Imagine that you've already shared your web application with our team. Now we'll show you how we cooperate at the beginning of our journey, what steps we take to get to know your website and requirements, and who participates in the project onboarding to make all the stages go fast and smoothly.

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