
Media and Publishing CMS Development

We implement complex news websites based on the flexible and secure Drupal CMS.

At Droptica, we make sure that digital publishers and editors can work comfortably and quickly (e.g., thanks to AI solutions) and that end users can easily browse the content they're interested in. 

The Droptica team creates easy-to-edit CMS for digital publishers to flexibly manage content.

We create easy-to-edit websites for digital publishers

When we plan and build web portals, we design their architecture in such a way that the users who manage content in the publishing CMS system have the greatest possible ability to make changes themselves. It's not just about adding articles, but also editing elements in the header or footer of the website, modifying the home page and category pages, creating new categories, and so on.

We want editors and digital publishers to be the ones who expand the content structure of the site themselves, without any programming. This way the online news portal can grow faster and cheaper.

We know the different directions of development of news portals and we build the system so that in the future it can be expanded with new features or integrated with new external software (e.g. mobile application, AI tools, content delivery systems such as the platform of the Polish Press Agency). In the case of our systems, there is no fear that when the client asks "can you change X", the team will answer "it can't be done". 

Who do we build news websites for?

Many media and publishing teams need to deliver large amounts of content to their audiences on a regular basis. Here are examples of companies we've worked with to learn more about their needs. As a result, we know how to create an online news portal that meets editorial challenges.

Newspaper icon

Newspapers, magazines and publishers 

TV station icon

Television stations

Sport clubs icon

Sports organizations and clubs

Financial website icon

Financial news portals 

Tourism website icon

Tourism news portals

Non-profit organization icon

Non-profit organizations

City office icon

City offices 

University icon

Universities and colleges

Technology solutions on media and publishing CMS

Depending on the client's business requirements, we select the appropriate tools for the developed publishing CMS system. Below, you’ll find a list of technologies, integrations, and functionalities that we’ve implemented for our clients. 

Technologies and architecture 

  • PHP/Drupal + Twig, 
  • Headless CMS (Drupal) + React/Next.js Frontend, 
  • Headless CMS (Drupal) + mobile app.

Optimization and performance 

  • Optimization for mobile devices (responsive web design), 
  • SEO optimization, 
  • Integration with CDNs for faster page loading (e.g., Cloudflare), 
  • Integration with performance monitoring tools (e.g., New Relic).  
The Droptica team tailors technology solutions to meet the needs of news website projects.
We can extend publishing CMS functionalities to make websites attractive and easy to use.

CMS content management and functionalities 

  • Migration of data from previous CMS, 
  • Expanded system of roles and permissions (e.g., by category or content type),
  • Workflow (editorial workflow) for content creation, aligned with editorial processes,
  • Digital asset management,
  • Multisite - support for multiple domains through a single CMS, 
  • Multilanguage - support for multiple language versions, 
  • Multisite + multilanguage - a combination of multiple domains and multiple languages in each domain, 
  • Automatic download of content from other news websites (e.g., PAP, Reuters), 
  • Automatic tagging and categorization of content,
  • Website search functions.  

Third-party integrations  

  • Integration with AI tools (e.g., Content generation and enhancement),  
  • Integration with newsletter systems (e.g., Mailchimp, Mautic),  
  • Integration with social media (automatic content sharing),  
  • Integration with video platforms (YouTube, Vimeo). 


  • Additional modules and configurations to improve security,  
  • Security against DDoS attacks.  

At Droptica we implement various integrations of news portals with external systems.
Our team plans functionalities such as an ad management system or reports in the CMS.

Monetization and advertising  

  • Advertising management system,  
  • Support for paid subscriptions (e.g., paywall, access to premium content),  
  • E-commerce modules (e.g., selling digital products, content access, etc.).

Analysis and reporting  

  • Reports, charts, and analyses related to published content.  

Notifications and user interaction  

  • Push notifications,  
  • Personalization of content for users,  
  • Search engine with advanced filters. 

Websites for digital publishers - what is there to know?

I already have a web portal. Will my content be migrated to the new system?

Data migration is a common part of our work. We can transfer data from any system (open source or proprietary). We can move it from another CMS (e.g. migrate from WordPress to Drupal), directly from another database, from XML, CSV files, from APIs, or from other data sources.

During the migration, we can also clean up the content, such as removing duplicate tags, changing the author of selected text, adding descriptions to photos, or adding new categories to content.

Will the online news portal run fast with high traffic?

We have experience in configuring servers for news portals with tens of millions of requests per day. We choose the configuration of servers according to the traffic of the type of service. We try to deliver most of the traffic from the CDN (mainly Cloudflare) in order not to overload the server. At the same time, we know how important it is to quickly update the content added to the website by the editors, and we have ready-made solutions to ensure a high level of caching and a fast option to publish new content. 

Can I add A,B,C functionality to the CMS for publishers?

We build the system using Drupal Core. It’s a very flexible technology based on modules that can be added and modified at any time.

Most of our clients have been working with us for years, and we’re constantly expanding to generate more traffic and longer visits and improve the work of editors with new features in the news portal.

Do I get the application code?

Yes, we use Drupal, which is an open source system. Any additional modules we develop for the client are also provided as open code. 

Drupal is a good technology for news portals with high traffic and numerous publications.

Is a website on Drupal for digital publishers always a good choice?

The benefits of choosing Drupal as a publishing CMS are apparent for news portals, where several editors and digital publishers add dozens or hundreds of articles daily.

If, on the other hand, the news portal project you want to build will be updated infrequently (e.g., you plan to add a few articles a month or less), it's better to opt for another technology, such as WordPress, for cost reasons. 

What does it take to efficiently build a website for digital publishers?

On the client side

A key role is played by the Product Owner, who must have time to work closely with the Droptica team and with their own team in the organization. This is essential for the success of the project. Why is it so important?

On the one hand, the Product Owner is responsible for gathering and prioritizing requirements in the organization. On the other hand, they work with Droptica to translate these requirements into specific functions in the system that are implemented in a cost-optimized and future-proof way.

On the Droptica side

At Droptica, the project is managed by two key people: Project Manager and Tech Lead. The Project Manager makes sure that all customer requirements are properly addressed, while the Tech Lead is responsible for the security and technical optimization of the solutions so that they’re easily extensible in the future. The PM is also responsible for the project schedule and budget, working with the client's Product Owner.

Other Droptica experts are also involved in the project: designers, programmers, testers, and system administrators. Their experience guarantees the smooth progress of the work and the effective resolution of any challenges that may arise.

Stages of news website creation

We divide every project into such stages:


Definition of the scope of work based on a checklist provided to the client. This is a set of frequently implemented functionalities in online news portals.


Creation of a high-level specification in the form of descriptions, diagrams and prototypes (low fidelity).


Development of detailed prototypes (high-fidelity).


Preparation of the actual graphic design.


Programming work.




Implementation work.


Development and maintenance of the system or website on Drupal. 

At Droptica, we assist clients in the specification phase to determine technology solutions.

At Droptica, we often work with clients who are in the planning stages of a project and need assistance from the very beginning, especially in creating specifications. We offer such clients a checklist to be used at the beginning of the work. It helps determine which technology solutions should be included in the CMS for publishers, such as a module to increase security or integration with social media.

It also happens that clients go through the initial phase on their own, preparing ready-made graphic designs. In this case, we get involved in the programming and implementation of the system. We can also join the project at any stage if the client feels that our support is needed. 

How much does it cost to build a website for digital publishers?

The cost of building a news website depends on what is to be implemented in the system. 

The main components in building a website for digital publishers are:

  • Data structure (e.g., item types, other data types).
  • Website appearance and frontend work.
  • Customization of the editorial workflow, e.g., content creation stages, management of the home page and category pages.
  • Additional features (e.g., e-commerce, paywall, polls and surveys).
  • Data migration.
  • Integration with external systems (e.g., AI tools for content creation or enhancement, video websites like YouTube and Vimeo, marketing automation like Mautic, automatic content download from external sources).

You can spread the cost over time and select only basic features for version 1.0 and add the others in subsequent months (here we recommend Drupal Support and hourly packages).

We’ve built simple news websites with budgets starting at around $10,000 and complex publishing CMS systems with budgets reaching over $100,000.

We always try to maximize the results relative to the client's budget. 

Talk to us about your Drupal online news portal project.
We build news portals based on Drupal CMS with additional functionality.

Why should you outsource a website for digital publishers to Droptica?


  • We’ve been developing various types of news portals for more than 10 years.
  • We have experience in implementing large, medium, and small web portals.
  • We not only do programming but also design a thoughtful look, configure servers, and develop the website after launch. We also offer 24/7 support.
  • We build news portals based on the Drupal system, which we know very well. The combination of technical knowledge and familiarity with the specifics of news portals means that we complete the work quickly and tailor the CMS perfectly to the client.

Discover our projects

If you'd like to see in more detail what projects we've recently completed, what features we've implemented, or what integrations we've done, contact us
We'll show you our implementations during a short meeting. You can also see examples of our projects in the Case Studies section.

Media and publishing content on our blog

Take a look at our articles with tips, tricks, and good practices for media and publishing companies.

Book a free demo of Thunder CMS for publishing

Want to see the live functionalities of a powerful system for creating attractive websites for digital publishers? Book a free demo. During the meeting, we'll show you Thunder CMS - a distribution of Drupal that is popularly used by publishers, magazines and blogs around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We usually start new projects within 1 to 6 weeks after signing the contract. It depends on the situation with other projects. When we talk to each client, we let them know how long it will take to start a project at any given time.

We can go into development and support mode. We've described the details on the Drupal Support subpage.

The client can also take over the development and maintenance of the website. Then, if necessary, we're available for consultation - as part of the Drupal Consulting service.

We’ll need access to the data (e.g. access to the current CMS and database) to estimate the time needed to migrate the data. We’ll also need to talk to the editors to determine how they use the current CMS and note what causes problems, what needs to be improved, and what features are not needed in the new CMS. 

Yes, we can build a news portal based on a design provided by the client or purchased online. It’s important that the design is available in the Figma tool. Then the developers can map it exactly when creating the appearance (frontend development).

Tell us about your project

We know from experience that the time it takes to discuss and analyze a project is shortened when we have this information in the message:

  • what are your business goals for the project?
  • what are the key features your system must have?
  • what are the optional features?
  • what are the features you definitely don't want?
  • what is your budget for the first version of the system?
  • what budget do you have for further development of the system?

What happens after you fill out the form?

  1. We'll analyze your message.
  2. Depending on the content - we'll either send you additional questions, or immediately set up a meeting (Google video call).
  3. The purpose of the meeting will be to better understand your needs and see how and if we can help.
  4. This will all happen within 24 hours of submitting the form.