Boplan website


Website of an international manufacturing company based in Belgium uses our "Drupal support" service, which allowes it to utilise Drupal specialists without having to hire them full time.

Our Drupal support plan offers exactly that - quick turn around times and access to highly qualified specialits without having to retain them full time.

Development and maintenance of the website

Boplan is based in Belgum but operates interntionally. The company manufactures elastic shock-resistant barriers. It employs a few hundred people.

We take care of since 2016. The website is based on Drupal 7. We took over its maintenance after it was build. Since then we ensure that it operates correctly. We also implement changes and improvements.

Major tasks performed on the website by our team

  • Implementation of SEO recommendations.
  • Changes in website's layout.
  • Performance optimisation.
  • Integration with Mautic.
  • Radical changes of data structures and migration from old to new content type. Detection o users country.
  • Implementation of a mechanism to display different contend depending on users localisation.

See online

Develop and maintain your website with us

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