Bluehost is among the 20 largest hosting companies in the world, handling over 2 million domains. The company's offer includes a wide range of services. We will show you how to install Droopler, the Drupal distribution, using the basic shared hosting offer (Basic Web Hosting).

Thanks to the right tools, used for building websites, it is possible to extend the Droopler component library in a very easy way.

Thanks to modular design and highly parametric SCSS, you can easily customize the theme elements.

Cyberfolks (old name: is one of the most popular hosting service providers in Poland. Here you'll find Droopler, a Drupal distribution, installation instructions for this hosting.

Linode is a cloud hosting service provider. On Linode you can create a dedicated server with full root access. Below you can find instructions on how to install Droopler on Ubuntu Server 18.04. is an end-to-end web platform for agile teams. Here you will find simple instructions on how to run your own website powered by Droopler.