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5 lectures worth seeing at PHPCon Poland 2019

The PHPCon Poland 2019 conference will be held at "Centrum Kongresów i Rekreacji Orle Gniazdo" in Szczyrk from 15th to 17th November 2019. The place wasn't picked at random. It was there where some of the best of the previous editions of PHPCon were held. Judging by this year's agenda we are sure that it's going to be a very interesting edition.  Together with the whole Droptica team, we've picked for you 5 lectures that are worth seeing: 1.

Modules for speeding up your Drupal website

Page loading speed is one of these factors that attract more visitors. According to Google’s research, nine seconds difference in the page load speed can increase the bounce rate by 123 percent. As part of our drupal development services offer, we quite often improve page load times for our clients. In this post we will discuss some of methods of page speed optimistaion. Drupal performance optimization can be a complicated process.

Common mistakes made by Drupal beginners

Drupal is an open-source platform that more than a million of people across the globe find useful for their content management purposes. They choose Drupal because of its flexibility, reliability, and security. However, not all of them know how to use it properly.

How to display SQL query in Views module

When you build a drupal website, the views module is your great friend. It will help you build lists of content (eg. the 5 latest blog posts). Sometimes though you would love to learn what query is the view running exactly. This may be for debugging or a different reason.

Proud sponsor of the next Drupal Camp in Poland

We are a proud sponsor of the Drupal Camp Wrocław 2015 in Poland. DrupalCamp Wrocław 2015 is a conference organized for Drupal community and others interested in the software. For three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), there will be lectures and workshops given by the Drupal experts.

Audit of a Drupal website - control list

This list is a handy basic tool to quickly find out how well was a Drupal webiste built. It is by no means comprehensive, as a full audit has to take into account particular websites specifics but it is a really good indicator of what you are up against. If a websites fails on many of items on this list, this should raise a red flag. If you need more information about the items here, please contact us. We provide drupal development services and can answer your questions.

How to create menu items programmatically in Drupal 7

When you use code-driven development on websites based on Drupal sometimes you have to create a menu or a menu item programmatically in hook_update_N. We use this approach to development quite often when, as part of our Drupal support services, we prepare a large batch of changes to be deployed all at ones.

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