Jakub Woźniak


Jakub Woźniak

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Improving code quality with the PHP_CodeSniffer tool

Writing code according to the standards allows you to speed up the project creation. It's more easily extensible and more legible – thanks to this, new people on the project can more quickly deploy and provide optimal solutions. The PHP community is constantly striving to improve code quality. Tools to assist in writing the code that is compliant with the standards have been developed over the years. In this text I'll present one of them: PHP_CodeSniffer.

Security Kit – Drupal module overview

Security Kit is a module that helps with eliminating the likelihood of exploiting security vulnerabilities on your website. Thanks to a multitude of features, such as Anti-XSS, Anti-CSRF, Anti-ClickJacking you can get yourself a peace of mind and comprehensively define a security policy for your website.

Security Review - a Module for Drupal

When working on a project, there are many ways to increase the security of a website. One of them is the use of automated security tests that assist developers in eliminating as many security bugs as possible. In this text, you'll learn how to do that with Security Review module.

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