Blog /Drupal modules

Drupal has thousands of free modules.

Whether you want to increase the security of your website, gain website analysis tools, or improve your company’s visibility on social media, on our blog you’ll learn which Drupal modules are the best to meet specific business requirements.

We’ll show you how to install a particular Drupal module, how it works in practice, and what benefits its usage brings.

Consistent support of addresses, coordinates, maps and searching for places is definitely the Achilles' heel of most modern CMS. It is a complicated matter and it requires integrating a large number of independent solutions. The topic of geolocation has also been raised in many large projects implemented by Droptica. I will show you some best practices on their basis.

Workflows and Content Moderation – both modules presented in this article are add-ons that extend Drupal’s capabilities in the area of content management, revisions and adding custom statuses.  Workflows and Content Moderation Workflows and Content Moderation improve content workflows in Drupal 8. By default, the content in Drupal (Node) can be either published or not, since these are the available statuses. Admins can see and edit all articles.

Page loading speed is one of these factors that attract more visitors. According to Google’s research, nine seconds difference in the page load speed can increase the bounce rate by 123 percent. As part of our drupal development services offer, we quite often improve page load times for our clients. In this post we will discuss some of methods of page speed optimistaion. Drupal performance optimization can be a complicated process.

Content creation using the Paragraphs module is a completely different approach compared to the "standard" content creation in Drupal. In short: we prepare the components (paragraph type) and then, during the creation of an entry, we select any of the available components.  The components can be simple elements containing text, contents with columns or such complex elements as sliders, videos or photo galleries.

Time has already passed since the premiere of Drupal 8. New projects and modules are released all the time, and there is an ever-increasing number of projects compatible with version 8.x at Unfortunately, these versions are often still unstable and filled with various bugs. As of today, the number of additional modules available for Drupal 8 is around 2,250, compared to 12,400 Drupal 7 modules.

While maintaining a website, there are quite a few situations in which you might want to enable a module programmatically. In this post, we will see how do do that in Drupal 8. Why would you enable a module programatically? In a Drupal agency, we came across various scenarios in which enabling modules progarmatically is the best solution.

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