Michał Potasiak


Michał Potasiak

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Automated Tests on Multiple Browsers

Testing on multiple browsers is a must nowadays. But is it worth automating these tests? We should definitely consider this. The following article may help you make that decision. I will show you how to minimize the disadvantages and how to use the advantages of this solution. You will learn how to set up such types of tests in Codeception and where to get the browsers you want to use in the tests.

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Communication between the product owner and the dev team

The product owner has an important role in a team, so it’s better to set with them cooperative objectives, expectations, and rules at the beginning of a project. And this is where great communication skills can help.  A happy customer can hire your team again for another project or recommend your software development agency to their friends. This is why your relationship with a product owner is very crucial for the success of your company.

Scrum improves software development quality

After implementing scrum for Droptica's Drupal developers, we observed outstanding results in terms of the quality of our projects. In our opinion, scrum not only helps with maintaining quality – it simply enforces it. How does it do it? It puts emphasis on testing as early as possible. Writing good code that can be developed becomes a necessity. It supports automatic testing and automation of the development process. It reduces unnecessary costs and increases business flexibility.

Website layout regression tests using docker-console

Has it ever happened to you that when you were looking on a website, you weren’t sure whether a font you used was 12 pt or 13 pt? Or maybe you kept looking at an image, wondering whether it had been moved slightly to the left before? If the layout is a priority on your website, maybe it’s time to think about automating the testing of this aspect of your project. VisualCeption is a noteworthy solution for exactly this use case.

How we made friends with Codeception and Drupal

We do a lot of Drupal development. We also do a lot of automated testing. This is why we decided to complement the standard functionality of Codeception with some new modules dedicated to Drupal. This helps us a lot in our daily work. As in our previous article, all examples listed below will be based on a project based on docker-console, which is why we encourage everybody to read the previous articles first if you didn’t do so yet.

Codeception - How to start automatic tests

If you read our previous posts, you already know very well how to start a project in the docker-console. If you haven’t done it yet, you should start with this article, because for the purpose of this article we assume that your project in the docker-console is already up and running, therefore all commands executed below will refer to it. In this article, we would like to introduce you to the world of automatic tests using Codeception, based on this kind of a project.

Browsersync - your test assistant

When creating websites, you probably sometimes saw how your page changes its appearance on different browsers, not to mention a variety of devices. Depending on how many different configurations we will want to check, the amount of time spent on testing them will grow rapidly and the enthusiasm will probably decrease at a similar rate with repeating the same action on another device.

Why a simple “it doesn’t work” is not enough?

Everyone who has ever worked in IT has surely stumbled upon communication issues between programmers and testers, or in other cases. Talking to programmers, you can hear many anecdotes regarding bug reports and feedback they have received. Working as a tester in a drupal agency, I see this issue from the other side, but I understand the developement team. When returning a task from tests, I often find myself wanting to write just: “It doesn’t work!”.

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