This was a special year for us and for the industry. On the one hand, we celebrated our 10th anniversary, and on the other hand - there is no denying it - the crisis hit IT and many technology companies. Times are tough, but we’re happy that we managed to move forward without financial troubles, still participating in many technology events and launching new services. Let's see how 2023 has been shaping up for Droptica. 

Magento is an ecommerce platform that is famous for its performance, customizability, and rich set of features. So it's no surprise that many well-known brands around the world have reached for this solution to build their online stores. In this article, we’ll take a look at some inspiring examples where Magento has served as the foundation for a shopping website. We’ll check what interesting solutions have been applied to these shops. 

Website migration is an important topic that we've already covered from a broader perspective in another article. In this blog post, we’ll focus on a specific example. We’ll look at the migration of WordPress, the most popular content management system, to Drupal. We’ll examine the benefits of such a migration, how it works, and how we should prepare for it.

Now that there is no way in the world to perform without the Internet, having a website for your business is a total must. Unmonitored and left to its own devices, however, it can do more harm than good. In this article, we'll outline what dangers your web page faces if you forget to monitor it.

The best online selling platforms enable companies and individual sellers to showcase, promote, and sell their products or services. They are characterized by easy access, wide coverage, and various tools to support commerce. In this article, we provide a subjective compilation of online marketplace examples by B2C, C2C, and B2B business models that can inspire building your own platform.

Efficiently running a Drupal website involves more than just content updates and design tweaks. Understanding application monitoring within the Drupal ecosystem is critical to maintaining web page performance and ensuring a seamless user experience. In this guide, you’ll learn about the importance of monitoring, and highlighting key metrics and practical tools.

In the complex world of software development, customers often find themselves at crossroads when deciding whether to work with a particular company. Understanding the nuances of the decision-making process is essential for service providers and their customers. In this blog post, we'll delve into the various obstacles to decision making and look at how Droptica, along with its sales team, is helping clients deal with these challenges. 

Is React just a fad or one of the cornerstones in the modern frontend? In our guide, we'll discover how this library can transform your approach to application design. We'll explore its key concepts, practical usage, and best practices necessary for effective IT project implementation.

Would you like to offer a recurring payment option in your online store? If so, this article is for you. You'll learn how to configure the Drupal Commerce Braintree module enabling payment processing through the Braintree gateway, how to link it to your PayPal account, and how to test and successfully launch this solution on your Drupal platform for online selling. 

Nowadays, you can find examples of microinteractions on almost every website. They not only make the web page more attractive but also improve the user experience, making it easier for the visitor to receive content. What exactly are microinteractions, and where can they be used on a website? Find out more.

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