Blog /Company

Droptica is a software development company specialising in creating websites based on Drupal, Symfony and React.

Since 2013, we have been developing our company in order to serve our customers and clients in the best possible way. See what we have achieved during this time!

Droptica is a group of 27 experts in various fields working in offices located in the fastest-growing Polish cities.

We are happy to establish permanent relations and get involved in our clients’ projects – from start-ups to complex websites. We provide only efficient, scalable, and expandable solutions. We systematically improve our work, thanks to which we can enjoy the trust of our clients.

Additionally, we carry out intensive promotional activities. We are the main organizers of DevTalks and Drupal Camp Poland as well as the founders of Drupal Polska, which allows us to freely exchange experiences and learn from the best.

Our constant striving for perfection has been appreciated by:

  •, which awarded us the Top Drupal Development Firm 2016, Top Developers 2017 and Top B2B Companies 2017 awards
  • Institute of Industrial Design, who let us into the finals of the Dobry Wzór 2018 (Good Design 2018) competition.

We have 366 amazing days behind us! Certainly, the previous year forced many changes in the private and professional life of each of us. The situation related to Covid-19 had an impact on almost every industry, forcing companies to look for new solutions and modify the style of work. And how can we sum up 2020 in Droptica? First of all, it was a year of success for us in many fields! The most important of them are summarized in the text below.

The release of PHP 8, scheduled for November, is approaching. On the occasion of this new version, we publish an interview with Droptica developers who say what are the greatest advantages of PHP programming, what to pay attention when creating a business website in PHP and what to do if you want to expand the current one.

It was the eighth edition of DrupalCamp Poland. Thanks again to everyone who took part in the event and who wanted to participate in the sessions on Drupal, PHP, site-building and the Drupal community. If someone was unable to attend the conference, we hurry with the good news. Videos with lectures can be found on our YouTube channel DrupalCamp Poland 2020.

You have to pass a job interview in order to start working in a new company. How to put your best foot forward? There are several ways to do this. One of these is asking questions. This is a perfect opportunity to show not only your technical skills but also your interest in the company. Check out what questions will help you present yourself in the most effective manner during the interview and gain more knowledge about the company.

Droopler is a Drupal distribution created by the Droptica team developers. In version 2.1, integration with Drupal Commerce has been added to it, which is becoming more and more popular and used by more and more people. In combination, both these distributions make a unique solution for everyone who wants to sell on-line. Below is the interview with Grzegorz Pietrzak, Rafał Sereda and Jarosław Bartman – the key team members who worked on Droopler Commerce.

No one needs convincing that project management is very important during development works. Effective management provided by a Project Manager guarantees the project's success: both in terms of ensuring the quality of the service rendered, as well as the time of implementation and the budget of the entire project. At Droptica, we focus on people. In addition to certified programmers, we also have Project Managers in our team. I would like to present one of them in the text below, and thus – show what benefits our clients obtain by working with Damian Michałowski.

Drupal is one of the most popular CMS-es in the world. Currently, over a million websites use Drupal. The larger the website, the more likely it is that it was built on Drupal. Why should you choose it for your project? Take a look at what programmers are saying about this topic. 

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